Thursday, 16 June 2011

4 New Renders for TSL

These have been found online today -

Sims 3 Town Life Stuff Confirmed!

Today EA have finally confirmed that TSL is coming as the fourth stuff pack for Sims 3!

Its been just under a month and there were rumours and leaked images flying around the internet, but now EA have announced it.

But it seems weird, that they announced Pets before this. I think they did this because of E3 last week, so they could advertise it.

If you want to check out the product page, then click here to learn about TSL!

Sorry Guys!

Sorry for not posting in such a long time guys!  Exams seem to have taken over my life! Well they are nearing the end now and i should be back posting regularly soon!


Saturday, 4 June 2011

Sims 3 Pets Traits Released

Thanks to Sims3Cri they have found out the traits for the animals in the Pets expansion pack!

Sims 3 brought traits to the game, and with the pets they are also getting traits!

Nintendo 3DS traits -
- Skittish 
- Lazy
- Destructive
- Proud
- Playful

XBox360/PS3 traits -
- Intelligent 
- Proud
- Playful
- Friendly
- Adventurous 
- Aggressive 

PC/Mac -
- Intelligent
- Brave
- Friendly 
- Hydrophobic 
- Skittish
- Clueless 
- Gentle
- Fast
- Agile 

To read the full article, please click here

New World Hints Comming With Pets?

Thanks to SimsVIP for the tip!

If you goto the Sims 3 Pets promo page by clicking here, and goto the news tab. If you read through the text which is there you will come across this -
What do you think of this news? Do you think "New World" means new world(Like Sims 2) or new neighborhood?

Game Now Listing The Sims 3 Generations Limited Edition!

You can now buy the Sims 3 Generations limited edition.

This just comes with Generations + Sims 3.

Game have listed the UK version -

Bit on the pricey side, but if you think about it. For uk each EP is £25, so your saving £5.

You can check it out by click here

Limited Edition Pets When You Pre-Order

When you have pre-ordered pets, you have the choice to get the Limited Edition edition or standard. 

And the free animals what you get are -

So we are getting Skunks, Tigers and a Panda in Pets!

Will you get this offer?

Sims 3 Pets Gets Its Own Site!

Today saw Pets, the fifth expansion pack for the sims 3, get its own page on the Sims 3 website! 

You can check it out by clicking here

Friday, 3 June 2011

Pets gets its own Page + Form topic

Today Pets has got its own form page and information page! The page hasnt been released yet but we can expect it in the next hours or so.

Sims 3 Pets Boxart Released

Im unsure if these are the final product, or just a prototype as well, the PC version could be better. 

What do you think?

As you can see, the XBox version you can use with Kinect!

The Sims Medieval Coming To Your iOS devices!

EA put their E3 line up on their website. There were a number of their games mentioned but these are the Sims titles they will be speaking more about. Im sure that if your going there, you will be able to play these games.

The Sims 3 Generations
The Sims 3 Pets
The Sims Medieval iOS

So just like all the other Sims games, Medieval will be coming to your iPhones, iPod Touches and iPads shortly.

And after that, im sure Generations will to.

Sims 3 Pets available for pre-orders!

Today the EA online store put the Sims 3 Pets available for pre-orders! 

If you really want to, then you can click here and go and pre-order it!

Sims 3 Generations Released for UK!

If your like me and live in the UK, you should be able to go and pick up your copy of Generations!

But if your also like me and pre-ordered and are unlucky because i didn't get my copy in the mail today either :( 

Did you get it?
What did you think of it?

Sims 3 Pets has been announced!

Today EA put up a video online on their youtube page of Sims 3 Pets. The 5th expansion pack for the Sims 3.

Im guessing more coverage will be coming of this expansion pack at E3 this year, as EA have a slot available.

This expansion pack will be coming to your PC/Mac, XBox 360, PS3 and Nintendo 3DS this autumn comming.

You can check out the official video release of this game here -

Below are some pictures taken from the game, also some pictures of the Sims 3 (UK) facebook page.

Heres my video on The Sims 3 Pets -

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Pictures of the new lots in Generations

SimsVIP have put some pictures up of the new lots what come with Generations!

Here are some of them, to check them all out check out SimsVIP!

I love these new lots!

The Sims 3 does the "Hang Over"

You've all probably heard of the film "The Hang Over"

Well the EA team have put together their own version of the film using Generations!

"The Sleepover"

I love it!

What do you think?

New Video - Sims 3 Generations Pictures #2

Last night i put up my last lot of Generations pictures!

Please feel free to check it out and subscribe to my channel!

If you want the first video i uploaded with pictures check out this video -


Generations Released today!

For all you lucky US folk, Generations came out to you today! 

If you managed to get a copy, please feel free to leave your comments down below what you think of this game and i may include you in a future post!

Sadly, as im from the UK i have to wait until friday the 3rd June until i get my copy! :(
I've got mine preorderd so it should come on friday morning!

Happy Simming

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Sims 3 Generations Traits

Big thanks to Sim Programs for sharing this info!

These traits were released with the latest patch, which was released early and taken down from EA servers yesterday. Luckily some people managed to download the patch before it was taken down! They now have full advantage of the new things in Generations, apart from the Clothes,Shoes,Hair and objects. 

So they can now use the memories tab and more of the great features Generations has to offer!

So the traits are.....

Nurturing -
Nurturing Sims are great with teens and children. They understand the joys and difficulties of growing up and are instinctively well prepared to take care of them.
  • A Sim with Nurturing trait is great with children and can discipline them more effectively.
  • Children and Teens have less chance of throwing a tantrum when your Sim is scolding them.
  • Your Sim is more effective at socializing with Children and Teens.
  • Your Sim gains relationship faster with Sims that are Teens or younger.
    Rebel -
    Rebellious Sims take special pride in putting it to the man. Causing trouble (and getting out of it) is their specialty! Whether they’re out after curfew or telling their boss they’ve had it, they’ll no doubt take extra pleasure in it.
    • A Sim with Rebellious trait loves defying authority and has a special knack for not getting caught.
    • Your Sim’s chances of getting caught while setting traps or causing pranks will be greatly reduced.
    • Your Sim’s chances of getting caught violating curfew will be greatly reduced.
    • Your Sim will receive special moodlets and take great pride in interactions and activities that overly rebellious.

Free Store Items When You Upload Memories!

You may know, with Generations you can upload your sims memories to the Sims 3 website! And after a certain amount you get a badge for it! But also you get some free cool items! -

How cool are these? I love them!

These pictures are from Crinrict's Help Blog!

Do you like these items?

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Free Outdoor Living Stuff Pack!

When you preorder the Sims 3 Generations, you get The Sims 3 Outdoor Living Stuff for free! Pretty good deal. But its not very good if you already own OLS like me! But anyhow, i like how EA are doing this now.

Will you be taking up this offer?

Sims 3 Facebook Page Share Information On Magic Gnomes!

Everyone loves the magic gnomes in Sims 3! Who wouldn't? Well yesterday on the Sims 3 Facebook Page they put a post about these magical creatures! 

Read about it up there ^^^

What do you think? I personally love this idea! 


Fourth Sims 3 Stuff Pack Leaked On Amazon!

Possibly the fourth Stuff Pack was leaked onto yesterday.

As you can see by the picture above, the name of the SP was
"The Sims 3 Town Life Stuff" and it was on sale for $19.99 canadian dollars! It was a pre-order item and was available for release on July 26th 2011. 

This stuff pack seems like its true as the time of the speculated release would be around the correct time EA will usually release the next SP after the latest EP(Generations). If not this is a little early release date, but it might mean EA might bring another EP in the fall.

Amazon have now taken down this item, if you try and find it you find nothing. So maybe EA have something to hide from us all?

What do you think? Do you believe it?

Sims 3 Generations Gameplay Videos

A member of the fansite, SIMSVIP have posted some early gameplay footage from The Sims 3 Generations!

I love them! It gives us all a great idea on what Generations will be like!


Why hello there! Welcome to this Sims 3 Blog!

If you don't know, i love The Sims. I always have and always will. 

I have made a Youtube account ( where i just talk about The Sims and all the updates and news people could want! But i decided to make a blog. I bet your wondering "why?"

Well because...
I dont always have time to make a video, edit and export it due to school. So i decided to make this blog so i can just blog about the latest news, helping people know what's happening in "Sim world!"

So i hope you like the blog, please it the Follow button to get all the updates onto your dashboard! I will try and post at least 3 times a day, so stay tuned!
